Global Marketing Resources - ITW Dynatec
It is imperative that we present ourselves to our customers and to the industry as a focused, consistent organization with a clear vision: to be the premier supplier of high-quality adhesive application equipment through innovation, service, and reliability.
One of the most visible ways we can present and reinforce this image is through our brand. The brand symbolizes everything we are about as a company, taking our strengths and serving them up as a unified public image.
Below are links and downloads for marketing collateral such as logos, approved fonts, powerpoint presentations, and much more. These are here for your convenience, but when downloading and using these files, you must use them according to the Corporate Identity Guidelines. Please click below to download a copy of these guidelines before downloading anything else.
Corporate Identity Guidelines.pdf
Logos-徽標 |
ITW Dynatec Logo

Logo w/ tagline
Logo w/o tagline
Email logo
All files
ITW Challenger Logo

Logo w/ tagline
Logo w/o tagline
All files
Vector Logo

Logo (type only)
All files
Power Flex Leasing Logo

All files
Adhesive Application Institute Logo

All files
AAI Alternate Logo

All files
Bullets Logo

All files
Product Brochures- 產品說明書 |
Note: All brochures listed below are low-resolution and meant for email use only. If you need the high resolution versions for professional printing, email with your request.
Adhesive Delivery Systems
ADS1 DynaFill™
Transfer Tower™
Adhesive Supply Units
Dynamelt™ M Series
Dynamelt™ D Series
Dynamelt™ S Series
Dynamelt™ S-APS
Dynamini™ Configured System
Adhesive Drum Melters
DM55 DynaDrum™
Automatic Adhesive Applicators
BF Mod-Plus Optima™
BF Mod-Plus Marathon™
BF Mod-Plus Electric Valve
BF Micro™
Manual Adhesive Applicators
Adhesive Hoses
Cold Glue System
Pattern Controllers
Vector™ Platform
Vector™ Platform
Vector™ Melter and Distribution Manifold
Vector™ Metering Applicator
Vector™ Slot Applicator
Vector™ Spray Applicator
PowerPoints-償試 |
PowerPoint Backgrounds and Templates
PowerPoint Presentations


Stationery-文具 |
Email Signature |
.DOC |
ITW Dynatec Letterhead |
ITW Dynatec Fax Cover |
.ZIP |
Fonts- 字體 |
Univers Font Family
ISOCTEUR Font Family
To Install Fonts
Windows XP:
- Open the Start Menu and go to Control Panel
- When the icons load, double-click on the Fonts item.
- Copy and Paste the font files you wish to install into the Fonts folder.
- All fonts installed should now be ready for use.
Windows Vista:
- Highlight all fonts to be installed.
- Right-click on one of the highlighted files and select "Install Fonts".
- All fonts installed should now be ready for use.
- Highlight all fonts to be installed.
- Right-click on one of the highlighted files and select "Install Fonts".
- All fonts installed should now be ready for use.
Wallpapers/Screensavers-壁紙/屏保 |